1. Wallet Guides
  2. Access Wallet with Private Key

Difference between Private & Public Keys?

A public key is the sending & receiving address of your wallet. Almost like the mailing address to your home. Just as using the mailing address anyone can send you mail or parcels. Your wallet’s public key allows anyone to send you cryptocurrencies/digital assets.

The wallet address in both Dijets Value & Method Chains are essentially public keys hashed using SHA256 and RIPEMD160, to produce a byte array of length 20.

What is the Private Key?

A wallet’s private key is the “master key” that allows the holder to access all the functionality of a given wallet. Using the Private Key you can restore your wallet from one wallet provider to another. Just as you would protect and secure your passwords or bank account passcodes, it is important for all wallet holders to retain full control of their wallet private keys.